the background of the last summer days of 2009 held its first workshop of the working group acces_SOS participating in the town of Malgrat del Mar, ES .
Here is the program below and some pictures of the progress.
The last summer days of 2009 Held ITS participatory workgroup acces_SOS first workshop in the town of Malgrat del Mar, ES.
Here is the program below and Some pictures of the ITS progress.
the two-day program of
Laboratory to partecipació citizen
Malgrat de Mar, Castle District.
14-15 October 2009
Citizen Participation Program Two hours Laboratory
DAY 1: WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER 10:00 to 10:40 h
opening Laboratory / DAY 1: WEDNESDAY 14 OCTOBER H 10.00-10.40
Presentation of the parties involved in the workshop:
- brief self-introduction (objectives, roles, experiences) of the participants: asociación de ciudadanos, empresa Gestió i participació, asociación acces_SOS atp, tecnicos involucrados. -Presentación área objeto del taller :
Carrer Lleida y trasversales Carrer Segre, Montnegre, Tordera, Montseny, Llobregat.
- Presentación por parte de la Administración del PIIBC: Todas las futuras medidas de proyecto urbanístico/social que interesan el área. (Nuevo centre cívico, elevador, calificación espacio urbano, transporte publico, potenciación red comercio….) Que cosa se ha realizado ya y planificación temporal de las próximas ejecuciones.
- Presentation by the Administration PIIBC: All future measures development project / social interest area. (New civic center, elevator, qualification urban space, public transport, enhancing trade network ....) That which has been performed and times for upcoming executions.
H 11.00 -13.30
Visit and tour the project sites. After frame our work area that affects the Plan starts the active part of the ciutadans which have customs, traditions, "mancances" of the sites in question. Playing a typical day of a resident of the neighborhood. - Division into 5 subgroups. In each round will be photos, record interviews and experiences of the citizens involved, will be collected objects related to the topic of travel.
Visit and tour the project sites. Experience a typical day of a resident of the neighborhood. - Division Into five subgroups. Each tour will Be photos, record interviews and Experience of the Citizens Involved, objects related to the topic of travel Will Be collected.
-route 1, the recre o. From Segre to the park Carrer Francesc Macia.
-path 2, the message. From Carrer Montseny to market or purchase more-traveled
d or 3, a medical visit. From Carrer Tordera to the nearest CAP
-tour 4, street life, outside and inside the house throughout the seasons. Transverse to walk the streets Carrer Lleida during the summer, winter, or a rainy day. Analysis of breakpoints, shadow .... Accessibility to housing. Home entrances and exits to the street.
5-path, cross the street with different modes of transport. Carrer Lleida travel and transverse streets by car, by bike, wheelchair, by bus (as bus project)
groups may be reduced by the real participation of citizens final.
-1 Travel Recess. From Park Street to the Segre Francesc Macia.
message from the Travel-second Street Montseny to the market or shopping sites
Relay-3 from Calle Tordera medical visit to the nearest CAP
Take a tour of street life inside and outside the buildings throughout the seasons. Walk the streets of Calle Lleida during the summer, winter, gold in Rainy Day. Analyse breakpoints, shadows, and accessibility to housing, as well as analysis of entries and exits from home to the street.
Pica Pica
El grupo entero se reunirá nuevamente para un evento social en el Parque Francesc Maciá. Seg ún la cultura de la hospitalidad y de la tradición será un momento para confrontarse y compartir opiniones y memorias en una situación más informal.
The entire group will reconvene for a social event in the Park Francesc Macia. According to the entertainment culture and tradition is a time to confront and share opinions and memories in a more informal setting.
H 10.00-10.45/
10.00-10.45 H
Síntesis de las problemáticas detectadas el día anterior conjuntamente.
V ision data d educators from working in the street. Screening of a video editing / slides to the synthesis of the most significant work in the street photos taken for symptomatic elements of urban problems, interviews and articles collected the previous day. Support:
projector slides with
Summaries of the problems encountered the previous day together.
Vision data derived from work on the street. Screening of a video montage / slide with the synthesis of the most significant work in the street photos taken for symptomatic elements of urban problems, interviews and articles collected the previous day. Support: Projector slides.
Project proposal of
Presentation of feasibility studies and preliminary propuesta por parte de Acces_SOS ATP towards accession with the goal of "improving conditions ACCESSIBILITY LLEIDA STREET AND TRANSVERSE STRENGTH OF ROUTES AND TRANSVERSE
Presentation of preliminary feasibility studies and proposal Carriedo Acces_SOS out by ATP.
11:45 to 13:45 h Debate
tour of propuesta / Guided discussion of the proposal .
confrontation and contribution of new solutions. Work sharing and development of the information gathered. Analysis and synthesis.
Confrontation and contribution of new solutions;
H 14.00
Conclusión taller / Workshop Conclusion
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