Friday, July 18, 2008

Blue Screen Appear On Pokemon Soul Silver

Clipboard OpenGL - primitive data types and nomenclature of the OpenGL functions

OpengGl defines some data types primitives used during programming to facilitate the porting from one platform to another. They are exactly the same data types defined atraverso most modern programming languages, but with a different nomenclature:

OpenGL Data Type internal representation equivalent C
GLbyte 8-bit signed char integer
GLshort 16-bit integer short
GLint 32-bit integer long
GLfloat 32-bit floating point float
GLdouble 64 bit floating point double
GLbyte 8 bit integer signed char
GLubyte, GLBoolean 8 bit unsigned integer unsinged char
GLushort 16 bit unsigned integer unsigned short
GLuint, GLenum, GLbitfield 32 bit unsigned char unsigned long
GLchar, GLsizeiptr 8 bit charachter char

Tutti i tipi di dato che cominciano con GL denotano membership in the OpenGL framework.

As for the functions defined by OpenGL, the Convention on nomenclature can be summarized with the following method:

\u0026lt;area of \u200b\u200bdll> \u0026lt;command> \u0026lt;Number of argomenti> type> of argomenti>

where number and type of arguments are optional elements. Here is the function to define a color's signature:

 glColor3f ([....]) 

with variations

 glColor4f ([...]); 
glColor4d ([....] )
glColor3i ([....]);

and many others, categorized according to the type of data accepted parameters and their number.


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