icons to applications starting with XCode generated
If we were to assign a nice icon in our program created with XCode , but we did not have a picture. Icns , the format used by Apple for icons, we must not despair, look for a program that carries out the conversion. This program comes with Apple's Tool the DVD to install the operating system or freely downloadable from the Apple website. The program is called Icon Composer and we can find inside the folder Developer / Applications / Utilities . Once opened , just sempicemente move over the image to be processed, which will create icons in different sizes atumatico, doc.number menu "File" "Export" and GOCO's it.
To add it to your XCode project, move the file. Icns just created in the root folder of the project, open XCode, premre twice on the active target for compiling, check the item "Icon File" and enter the file name. Icns . XCode will seek to create within the file. App generated Resurce a folder with the image and the file. App selazionata will be represented by the icon.
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