Fin dalla sua comparsa, la fotografia venne ritenuta utile ai fini delle più disparate attività di documentazione scientifica. Naturalisti, geologi, archeologi, viaggiatori, e non sono pittori e ritrattisti, I resorted to the usual artistic activities and study with the idea that he was able to reproduce the reality more accurately and with less time, resources and energy. Even the discipline of anthropology, of commitment to the study of peoples considered "primitive", made wide use in the second half of 'eight hundred, photography. It is in this period that a meeting took place between anthropology and photography. Anthropologists, therefore, shook with this new tool to record a report of its own. When the photo appeared, the unanimous opinion was that it was a faithful copy of reality. It failed, for the first time, to oust representation from the operations of the subjective human intervention. The reproduction of reality done according to established procedures cameras, was an important witness to the windward of Western society on the nature and death, as it was able to make memory. We come now to the second half of the nineteenth century anthropology, quell'antropologia he did, as I mentioned earlier, extensive use of photography. The theoretical perspective that characterized the major research activities of antropologifu undoubtedly evolution. Known primarily as alleged in the natural sciences by Charles Darwin, evolutionism in anthropology refers to the set of Research Department addressed to reconstruct the evolutionary steps that had characterized the history of mankind. The task of anthropology, then, was to write, as well as zoologists, botanists, and so on. were doing to the animal, vegetable and mineral, the history of humanity in the light of the assumption that in it, despite the uniqueness of the psyche, there were different races. Consistent with these methodological imperatives nineteenth century anthropology, especially that aimed at the physical and anthropometric study of man, arranged a very serious wide survey instruments. It would emerge that the use of these data, especially metric for the later stages of analysis. Craniometria, pelvimetri, protractors, craniografi, pantographs, etc.. are just some of the tools which were the usual technical equipment in the nineteenth-century anthropologist is needed. And it is precisely these tools, tools with the suitcase, which contained the camera also dealt considered capable of restoring data absolutely objective reality in relation to the major fields of study pursued anthropology, as craniometria , anthropometry the physiognomy, ethnography etc. ..
The craniometria - The object of study of the skull, believed to be of extreme importance because of its size and endless indices would have been possible to obtain data to distinguish the various human races.
L 'anthropometry - understood as the anatomical study of the human body.
The physiognomic - with which the subject's face and various facial features that expressed this.
L ' ethnography - or the description of life, objects, rituals specific to a particular people.
and thanks to photography was possible. document important aspects in all areas of anthropology.
photography anthropometric :
Just because photography was considered a copy of objective reality, it was thought that it could obtain valuable data related to the human body such as height, limb length , pelvis, chest, the shape of the fingers of the hand, in addition to the characteristics of hair, head shape, etc.. When you think of anthropometric photography is necessary to imagine the actual procedures by which anthropologists were able to get there. Or to a person standing against a wall covered with the little that is sufficiently demonstrate to conceal his private parts with a rod beside metric capable of restoring the precise height, with arms along the body so that they can clearly see the foibles of the fingers. Through this kind of photography specialists that secured important documentary material on which to perform the necessary analysis. Moreover, precisely because they were published in the special instructions on how these photographs were to be made, they made sure that the anthropologists, from anywhere in the world originated, provided that those directives would be implemented according to its own, could be used for comparative analysis.
physiognomic photography:
Unlike Cinematographer anthropometric having as its object the whole body, that physiognomy was addressed only to reproduce the likeness of a human face. According to several scholars of the time, was analytically by studying the shape of the face, and not just those of the body, that it was possible to trace the different breeds. It is precisely to achieve this objective findings which are considered of primary importance that the use of photography to reproduce the main features of the face: the eyebrows, eyes, mouth, ears, chin, cheeks, etc. .. Even in this case it was possible to separate the timing of collection from the analysis because in this field also sent photos agli antropologi costituivano una importante ed incontrovertibile base documentaria per teorizzazioni e classificazioni razziali.
La fotografia craniomertica:
Una parte davvero consistente degli studi e delle teorizzazioni circa la classificazione razziale trovarono un importante punto di convergenza nelle analisi del cranio. È sottoponendo ad una vasta rigorosa operazione di misurazione il cervello, che sarebbe stato possibile giungere ad una classificazione razziale. A dire il vero, la pratica più diffusa consisteva nel raccogliere i teschi e nel farli recapitare ai musei di antropologia, Quando questo non era possibile si ricorreva alla fotografia. Riproduzioni di crani, inoltre, relativi a "razze" of particular interest, allowing the various scholars scattered in Europe to view it although it has no direct object. Again, therefore, the photograph as being for a copy of objective reality, acted as a substitute for reality itself.
ethnographic photography:
nineteenth-century anthropology, not only the man underwent a physical-anatomical analysis, but extended their searches to material culture (housing, household items, tools work, weapons, ornaments, etc. ..) in religious rituals, magic, etc. .. Consistent with the techniques of 'era that allowed subjects to photograph above property, the detection camera was used for documentation purposes and ethnographic evidence on the side. Everything that was not possible to transport or ship home to museums, as was regularly with the little bulky objects, became the responsibility of the photographic reproduction. Buildings, villages, etc. .. you took away from the usual practice of collecting and forward, were photographed. Even rituals, festivities, various moments of social cohesion and group activities, hunting, work, etc.. nell'obietivo ended an anthropology increasingly concerned, over the years, to initiate studies on socio-cultural front, more specifically, going more and more detached from the matrix and anthropometric nature from which it had originated.
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