Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Los Hombres De Paco On Line


To get a degree in "Cuozzologia" must overcome a series of tests and earn a reputation on our blog, the main steps to become "Cuozzologi" are as follows:

" Apprentice"
A simple blog reader aware of the phenomenon of Cuozzo has the basis to recognize examples of this species.

Requirements: pass a test of five simple questions that svolgarà "real time" on msn. (Add in the contacts of msn for more details on the test)

" Contributor "
person with above average skills with a passion for the study of "Cuozzologia" interested in cooperation with the ACN

Requirements: pass a written examination (write an article) and oral (on msn).

" Researcher "
the researcher is a professional who participates actively in the studies ACN with new discoveries and theories in order to deepen this knowledge.

Requirements: s i must have developed a new theory is valid for the ACN or discover new features and / or behavior of the subject under consideration.

" Cuozzologo "
Cuozzologi official member of the Neapolitans, the "Cuozzologo" is a person with vast knowledge in the field of "Cuozzologia" elected unanimously by members of the same

NOTE: To make the exams please contact us at: ilcuozzo@hotmail.it


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