First a big thank you to all readers ... Cuozzo and not! especially those who have linked their blog that "advertise" and leave comments, thanks to you we got a thousand hits! and now we aim to ten thousand: p.
We hope to have made you laugh and maybe make a few have made you reflect on the situation in which we live! However we will always continue in our work and invite you to contact us via our MSN account. We would also like to point out
for all those who took it too seriously this blog: we do not judge anyone, ours is also a caricature of reality that surrounds us, despite our studies are scientifically proven and supported by most of our audience.
For those that are reflected the stereotype described by us: we would say that is not enough to be one or more particular Cuozzo but what really distinguishes them is how to think and act (crude, violent and selfish, not yet in-depth features cuozzo) which are less suitable a civil society.
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