Il cuozzo. Vi siete mai domandati cosa sia quest’essere insignificante? Avete mai cercato di scoprire l’etimologia del termine? E l’origine di questa specie? Avete mai osato soltanto per un minuto chiudere gl’occhi e immaginare cosa sia la città di Napoli senza la presenza di questa simpatica bestia? Se non Ever been bitten by the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing so we take care of, residents of a Naples that day after day there is less and less and gradually burning in the flames of degradation and squalor.
The study of this phenomenon, Neapolitan born from the desire to change the air we breathe air polluted by ideology increasingly Cuozzo and all that leads to a slow but consolidated approval. First we want people to through the results of our studies to be informed of this being that lives around us and who sometimes willingly or unwillingly enters a part of our lives.
cuozzo Who is? I'll have you ever wondered? The answer is on a high powered motor darting fearlessly and wearing flashy clothes and a taste slightly rough at times.
This is cuozzo! Being without a personality, a sort of zombie that is not capable of thinking for themselves, fascinated by the mesmerizing chant of the mass like a Homeric siren.
The cuozzo live in packs and like most mammals can be called a predator. His prey is the woman. Its sole aim is the woman. Its sole purpose is therefore to "eat" his preda.Nell 'habitat where he usually lives cuozzo (bars, clubs, Snai point, amusement arcades, supermarkets O, etc..) opportunities to succeed in doing is more, the fact of its establishment is indeed caused by the huge presence of female specimens of this mammal, what we scholars call we just vrenzola (etymology uncertain but certainly from the dialect Neapolitan).
The vrenzola cuozzo has the same characteristics as the only difference being that while one is alive only and exclusively to achieve the connection, it attempts to fill gl'attimi of his life just being in competition with its like.
The vrenzola therefore has no real feelings and space only the most reckless selfishness, showing off a dress incredibly showy and often vulgar.
mass obviously affects the mind of this extraordinary example, by dictating rigid and unquestionable fees at everything he does and says.
Fashion is the phenomenon that attracts more and more it is studied by cuozzologi.
The clothing accessories including the worship of any self-respecting cuozzo or vrenzola.
Combing for cuozzo is very important. The numbers among its cuozzo has made one of hairdressing eccentric.
hair have a mutation of cuozzo Over the years different hairstyles degl'esseri humans.
does not matter whether it is good or bad, you only need to be "fashion" (quest'aggettivo has joined the lexicon cuozzo few years).
wax, straightening cream and Fohn cuozzo are essential to ensure the public can show its charm.
Every single feature of this animal acute ignorance will be treated in greater detail later.
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