Friday, April 20, 2007

Como Funciona Full Lace Wig


the basis of all ideology Cuozzo's theorem 'criminal DDO, which is "the charm of Cuozzo and proprorzionale directly to his level of criminality."
This theorem is self-explanatory, which is why the fashion Cuozzo is very focused on a brand look that much 'a criminal! The
vrenzola is attracted to a breed crime and all that is illegal, so the only living cuozzo 'parked' (in the language of Cuozzo mean approach) tries in every way to attract towards you l ' female specimen.
cuozzo For there are many ways of being a criminal, and each pack is different from the other the crime rate reached.
It starts from the wardrobe to go through the ways to move and speak, you end up defying the danger. The danger for the
cuozzo is a real weapon of seduction, is the wild card that allows him to achieve sexual intercourse with his partner.
studying the habits of this beast we can deduce that there are different levels of danger:

  • alcohol, or drunk by showing that you are ready to drink it all to be accepted by the rest of the pack
  • soft drug, introns convincing gl'altri that your body holds all the real hard and smoke pot
  • hard drugs, riservata a cuozzi d’èlite, per coloro che osano sfidare la tossicodipendenza pur di emulare i loro beniamini in tv
  • La guida di automobili di grossa cilindrata, sperimentare tutta la potenza dei cilindri del motore rischiando la vita (il cuozzo crede ciecamente ad una combinazio infallibile che fa nascere un nuovo teorema: “lusso + velocità = figa)
  • La guida di motocicli di grossa cilindrata, sfidare la forza di gravità sfrecciando su due ruote, il rischio aumenta
  • La guida di motociclette da corsa, il cuozzo che possiede un patrimonio esoso è capace di spendere i soldi per questi gioiellini a due ruote che aumentano il pericolo e sostituiscono il teorema precedente con questo: “lusso + velocità + equilibrio su due ruote = più figa!)
  • Tarantelle, può sembrare sciocco ma il bullismo per il cuozzo è al di sopra di tutto (essendo ignorante non percepisce la vera soglia del pericolo guidando ad alta velocità), prendere le ormai fatidiche questioni per un cuozzo insapiens-scelestus (cuozzo criminale incosciente) è di rito, fa parte di quei famosi mezzi che vengono giustificati sempre con il solito ‘fine’. Il cuozzo cerca inspiegabilmente rogna con il solo scopo di prendersi a mazzate con il malcapitato di turno, o ancor più prestigiosa è una vera lotta tra branchi (il famoso cuozzo gladiator).
  • La polizia, è l’apogeo del pericolo per il cuozzo, most of their lives. The cuozzo challenge the prison at all costs, showing off that famous courage that enables us to deduce the following theorem: "level crime> Police = tolerance level is still the coolest !!!". Cops (Ggguardie) are the number one enemy of the flock, those who are unable to seduce the cuozzo vrenzola to fully and particularly a very popular breed, the now famous vrenzola rincretinitas (head alone).
examined the levels of risk we can easily explain what happened to the city of Naples and its inhabitants. The
cuozzo, pets and the Neapolitan who became the most fascinating criminal ideology, making it a true religion (the religion of Catholicism only cuozzo, football and crime, with their respective deities: God, Diego Armando Maradona, and Tony Montana), a phenomenon that only occurred in the Italian Mezzogiorno, while the contrary in north-central regions of the crime is seen as a human wickedness (in the Campania cuozzologo instead studying a completely different wickedness: obviously cuozzo). The Neapolitan Camorra, the mafia, the Ndrangheta and the Sacra Corona Unita for cuozzo are institutions, something to think about and be inspired. The features that surround
gl'uomini Camorra are those things that for the life of cuozzo are primary goods. If
as we have already that the end justifies the means, the attainment of primary goods through illegal ways is (pardon the pun) lawful.
One thing that we have not yet explained scientifically is that like any animal, Cuozzo has a primitive instinct, to become strong, then get respect. The
cuozzo then how her ancestor was already tamarro, everything takes on only the negative side of things. In fact, the cuozzo has a very strange relationship with the cinema. Only has knowledge of films about organized crime, we still list them:

  • The Camorra (comparable to the scriptures)
  • Scarface (where the god Tony s'invoca Montana)
  • Bronx
  • The trilogy The Godfather
  • Carlito's Way
  • Goodfellas
  • Blow (because foo)
  • A special category of Cuozzo has seen all the movies of Mario Merola talking about Camorra
Finally remember that the purpose of the speech typical of cuozzo provincialotto is the story of events that happened in their country of Camorra (the Cuozzo have a direct relationship with these elements almost to the point of talking about them as if they knew personally).


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