Friday, April 20, 2007

Tresemme Silk Protein Healthy Volume


No one knows exactly when to pop in Naples is the figure of the modern cuozzo (cuozzo insapiens-insapiens), but surely we can go back in time to the 80s. In 1980 the term was born
tamarro (from Tamm, 'date-seller') and with it the kind of course tamarri, or primates, of gl'antenati Cuozzo. The
tamarro by definition is nothing but a boy in the suburbs, crude and clumsy, who follows fashion, but it takes gl'aspetti most blatant and vulgar (see 'Zingarelli 2007').
Superficially, you're probably wondering: is not the same thing? We will answer without batting an eye: No!
In Italy in the 80s in most of the Western world, there was a strong influence of American culture.
After the carefree psychedelic 60s and 70s was the time a decade later nicknamed, 'the years of plastic'.
The U.S. imported in the Old World customs and tacky to say the least! In those years in Italy
beings which appeared paninari, punks, yuppies i ('Chiattilli') and tamarri.
latter according to their different characteristics and also took over from Naples was soon the mother of the first examples of this primitive species. The
cuozzologi the twenty-first century have come to know this thanks to creautura first great scientist and well-known Neapolitan singer-songwriter Tony Tammaro. The content of his songs (many prefer to call scientific treatises of First Instance) gleefully told the stereotypes of tamarro of Naples and its habits.
The people still ignoring criticism that genius behind its simple ballads lurks a careful study of the lives of these hominids. The
tamarro is typically tacky and is very easy to classify.
In 1984 another word, the 'Truzzi', then in 1992 founded its synonym, 'Pizarro'. In the complex science
cuozzologica Truzzi and Pizarro are a bit like the big-bang theory, are only hypotheses. Most scientists, however, gives a different meaning to these words, giving them the task of being the link between the first stage, ie the good old tamarro and the various evolutions of cuozzo. The advent of the mammal
vulgar in the city of Pulcinella was therefore suggested in 1995, here is his evolution:
  • Cuozzo VULGARIS habilis
Il cuozzo รจ ormai all’apice della sua evoluzione anche se certi studiosi ritengono che l’ultimo stadio del cuozzo sia quello di ‘CUOZZO POPNAPSOUND INSAPIENS’ o come volgarmente viene definito cantante neomelodico.


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